Labels:electronics | compact disk | text | data storage device | cd | circle | dvd | blank media | compact disc OCR: 40 BEST WINDOWS 95 GAMES® GEB8 +NEE-CD Designed for Online SoftKey Microsoft Windows 95 COMPACT disc + + DIGITAL DATA 10-125-8 @ 1997 TLC Properties Inc ., a subsidiary of The Leaning Company Ix. and @1996 Limelight Publishing and thek Iensors and authors. All rights reserved. Softkey and the Leaming Company are registered trademarks of TLC Properties, Inc. Microsoft, Windows and the Windows logo are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Al other trademarks are the property of thekr respective owners. USE OF THIS PRODUCT IS SUBJECT TO CERTAIN RESTRICTIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF WARRANTY UNDER THE LICENSE AGREEMENT CONTAINED HEREIN. PFB844E E-CD